6月29日(木)日本のFujikawaguchiko MasjidでEid-Al-Adhaのお祈りが行われました。

Eid means “feast” in Arabic and Mubarak means “congratulations.
On Thursday, June 29, Eid-Al-Adha prayers were held at Fujikawaguchiko Masjid in Japan.
Eid-Al-Adha is the last day of the Grand Pilgrimage or Hajj, one of the Five Eid, which is the norm for Muslims to perform.
Eid al-Adha is a reference to Ibrahim’s anguished attempt to sacrifice his son Ismail in accordance with Allah’s revelation.
Eid-Al-Adha is a celebration not only to honor Ibrahim’s deep faith in Allah, but also to express his gratitude to Allah by sacrificing an animal.
Eid-Al-Adha also has a similar purpose to that of “gladiatorial sacrifice/zakat.
In Eid-Al-Adha, an animal such as a sheep, goat, or cow is purchased and its meat is divided into three equal parts, with 1/3 going to oneself and one’s family, 1/3 to relatives, and the last 1/3 to the poor. Under no circumstances is the meat of the purchased animals allowed to be resold.
Eid-Al-Adha is an event that brings us back to the preciousness of life and to the origin of the act of eating, which is an essential part of human life, through the slaughtered animals.
It is a wonderful event that reminds us of what is important in life, which we tend to forget in the midst of a life of abundant food and blessings.
We are working to share the happiness of Kulbang with our brothers and sisters around the world under the trust and control of religious principles.
Currently, in Japan, the law defines where animals are allowed to be slaughtered, and kurban cannot be held anywhere.
For this reason, this year we have donated two goats in Indonesia.