
- 体の清潔さ
- 居住地の清潔さ
~Fujikawaguchiko Masjidでの現状~
現にFujikawaguchiko Masjidのトイレは訪問者から綺麗だと言われます。


“Tahara”: Islam considers “cleanliness” to be one of the most basic values of Muslims. So what is that “cleanliness”?
- cleanliness of the body
・Clothes are not dirty
・Cleanse the body of dirt
Prophet Muhammad is said to have handed down the following teachings:
“It is their right for every Muslim to wash his head and body once a week.”
“Whoever has clothes, keep them clean.”
“Allah will not approve the prayers performed by any of you in the voided wudu until he performs the wudu again.” )
“The most irritating thing about the angels who record a person’s actions, who sit to the left and right of the person and who never leave, is that the target audience for recording the action has a piece of food stuck between their teeth. It is to pray without cleansing the body.”
“The following five things are ordained by nature: circumcision, shaving of the roots of the thighs, clipping of fingernails, shaving of the armpits, and shortening of the beard. .”
“Descendants of Adam, put on clean clothes in any masjid.”
- cleanliness of the place of residence
Keeping your residence clean means keeping your home, as well as its streets, places of worship, meeting places, and places of gathering clean.
to be beautiful.
In particular, it is conditioned on the cleanliness of the places where worship is held.
Worship services held there will not be approved until any stain is removed.
Prophet Muhammad is said to have handed down the following teachings:
“Allah is beautiful and loves beautiful things. He is generous and loves generosity. He is gracious and loves graciousness. He is pure. You are, and you love purity. Cleanse your house and your surroundings.”

Keeping the masjid “clean”
~Current situation at Fujikawaguchiko Masjid~
A masjid is a sacred place given by Allah. The prayer room and its surroundings must be kept clean.
However, the way Muslims use the toilet is very dirty.
A masjid adiministraor asked one Muslim.
“Since the masjid is where Allah is, why aren’t you using it cleanly?”
The Muslim replied,
“The administrator should clean it up. Isn’t it the administrator’s fault that the toilet is dirty?”
It’s not that management doesn’t clean.
In fact, visitors say that the toilets at Fujikawaguchiko Masjid are clean.
The administrator has doubts about the current situation where it gets dirty immediately even if it is cleaned.
In extreme cases, the fecal matter will be scattered outside the frame of the toilet.
In the first place, if each person who uses the toilet is conscious of “cleanliness” and uses it neatly, and the administrator keeps cleaning as before, the toilet can always be kept clean.
“Half of faith is cleanliness”
“Avoid uncleanness.”
Let’s go back to the origins of the teachings by revisiting the “cleanliness” of the Qur’an and Hadith.
There is a Japanese proverb that says, “A messy clothes is a messy mind” and “A messy room is a messy mind.”
It is thought that the disorder of the surrounding environment such as clothes and rooms represents the psychological state of the person, and the disorder and dirt represent the inner state of the person.
Be aware that the behavior of not being able to use your surroundings cleanly is recognized as “a person with a disturbed mind” or “a person with a dirty mind.”
“Cleanliness is the half of faith”, it is very important to be clean both physically and mentally.