

イスラムの動物観~Islam’s view of animals~



「そしてかれ(神)は、家畜を創造された。そこにはあなた方のための暖かい衣服やその他の利益があり、またあなた方はそれを食する。またそこには、あなた方が(それらを率いて牧草地から)夕に戻って来る時、そして朝に(それらを率いて牧草地へと)赴く時、甘美さがある。またそれらは、あなた方が苦労抜きでは到達不可能な町にまで、あなた方の重荷を運搬してくれる。実にあなた方の主は、この上なく哀れみ深く、慈悲深いお方であられる。また馬とラバとロバはあなた方が乗用とし、飾りとするためのもの。そして(神は、それ以外にも)あなた方の知らないものをもお創りになられる。」(クルアーン 16:5-8)




  • 動物は人間のようなものです: 動物に対してなされた善行は人間に対してなされた善行と同様です。動物に対する残虐行為もまた人間に対する残虐行為と同様に悪行です。
  • 動物は自分で話すことはできません: やせ衰え背中と胃がつながりそうなほどやせ衰えたラクダがいました。ムハンマドは言いました。「話すことができないこれらの獣にアッラーを畏れなさい。」
  • 精神的な残虐行為も禁じられています: 二羽の鳥を見ました。一羽は母鳥、一羽は子供の鳥のようでした。巣から子供の鳥をさらってきた者がいました。ムハンマドは言いました「母鳥は空中で上空を旋回し、子がいなくなったことを悼んで嘆いています。子供を母鳥に返してください。」
  • 重荷の獣に休息を与える: ムハンマドは言った、「動物の背中を椅子として使わないでください。動物達のおかげであなたがたはすでに(重荷を運んで目的地に行くという)利をえています。あなたがたがは、そのように従順に服従した動物達にもたれて休まないでください。かれらに感謝し、休息をあたえてください。」














All living things are created by Allah. Allah created animals to serve us. We depend on animals for food and milk.
Animals also follow the natural instincts given by God and give us grace. Animals can also be said to be “obedience to God” in Islam.

“And He (God) created livestock, in which you will have warm clothing and other benefits, and which you will eat. There is a sweetness when you come back in the evening (from the pastures with the For your Lord is most merciful and merciful, and horses and mules and donkeys for your riding and decoration. things, and (God also creates other things) that you do not know.” (Quran 16:5-8)

Therefore, “mercy” in Islam should not only be directed to humans, but to all of God’s creations.
Islam forbids the cruelty and killing of animals. Cruelty to animals (unless they are slaughtered for food) is considered a sin.
Torturing animals is said to be a good reason to go to hell.

• Animals are like humans: good deeds done to animals are the same as good deeds done to humans. Cruelty to animals is just as bad as cruelty to humans.
• Animals cannot speak for themselves: There was a camel that was so emaciated that its back and stomach seemed to join together. Muhammad said. “Fear Allah for these beasts who cannot speak.”
• Psychological cruelty is also prohibited: I saw two birds. One was like a mother bird and one like a baby bird. There was someone who kidnapped a baby bird from its nest. Muhammad said, “The mother bird is circling in the air, mourning and lamenting that her child is gone. Give the child back to the mother bird.”
• Give Rest to the Beast of Burden: Muhammad said, “Don’t use the back of an animal as a chair. Do not rest against such obedient animals, but thank them and give them rest.”
The hadith describes compassion for animals as mentioned above.

  1. Obligation to care for animals kept as livestock or pets
    Take responsibility for their care and well-being, including adequate food, water and shelter.
    If animals are to be burdened or to help in farming, they need to be fed and rested accordingly.
  2. Prohibition of hunting and slaughtering for purposes other than food
    No sport hunting allowed
    Fighting animals for entertainment is prohibited
    Prohibition of shooting practice
  3. Slaughter method determined
    Slaughter methods that minimize animal suffering
  4. No Abuse
    Hitting or hurting animals is prohibited.

Some Muslim communities do not follow Islamic guidelines regarding animals. Some people mistakenly believe that human needs come first. Again, we must go back to the original texts and study the revelation of Allah.

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