AL-Quran 4.婦人章 34
Good and evil, heaven and earth, day and night, Allah created the pair of all creation. The same goes for us human men and women. Rules have been laid down by Allah for these creations, and we are free to act within those rules. These rules are Islam, and acting within those rules is faith. It is natural for us humans to be interested in the opposite sex. Islam allows men to love women and women to love men. However, it is only allowed for men and women who are married to Nikah. Nikah is a traditional Islamic marriage ceremony. In Islam, marriage is not established just by registering in the family register. If you do not practice Nikah, you will be considered a stranger under Allah, even if you are married on the family register. Besides legal marriage, religious marriage is essential. The requirements for establishing Nikah are: 1. men and women who intend to marry 2. Two Muslim Witnesses 3. Mahal (money = betrothal money in Japan) given by the groom's family to the bride's family What Muslims should look for in a marriage partner The Prophet Muhammad is said to have said: “Many people choose a marriage partner based on the following four criteria: property, lineage, appearance, and religious beliefs. It is better to focus on faith. Then you will have good luck. It will lead to marriage."
About beauty It's natural for humans to be attracted to someone's physical beauty, but there is no absolute standard for beauty, and it's not permanent. For example, Mr. A thinks Mr. B is wonderful. However, Mr. C does not think Mr. B is nice at all. On the contrary, I don't even know where the charm is... In this way, each person has a different standard of beauty. Also, everyone ages. No one can stay the way they were when they got married. About property (wealth) Wealth, like beauty, is not permanent. No matter how much wealth you make, if a natural disaster such as a tsunami or an earthquake occurs, that wealth will be meaningless. Also, the company may go bankrupt and become penniless. Wealth is like a shadow, and it is transitory. If appearance and property (wealth) are emphasized at the time of marriage, or if the desired conditions change over time, it is considered that the marriage relationship is likely to break down.
Married couples under Islam
By choosing a marriage partner based on the depth of faith, it is possible to build a lasting marital relationship and a peaceful home, because Islam also has rules regarding how a couple should be.
So what are those rules?
The Prophet Muhammad described his husband’s duty to his wife as follows:
• Give your wife something similar to what you eat.
(You shouldn’t be the only one eating a sumptuous meal and your wife a poor meal.)
• Give your wife clothes that match the clothes you wear.
(Don’t let yourself be the only one wearing a lot of fine fabrics and your wife has nothing to wear and wears the same clothes every day.)
Do not hit your wife’s face.
(Even if her wife is at fault, do not use violence against her. You should speak her with the intention of educating her, rather than venting her anger.)
●Do not abuse or disparage your wife.
(This is a duty imposed on both husband and wife. The husband compensates for the wife’s shortcomings, and the wife compensates for the husband’s shortcomings. Instead of blaming or criticizing each other’s shortcomings, we must have a mindset of compensating for each other. don ‘t.)
●Even if the husband and wife are at odds, they should not live separately. If you spend time together, when you calm down, you may be able to go back to the way it was.
Prophet Muhammad also spoke about the duty of a wife to her husband:
“If sujud (kneeling down and praying) is permitted among men, I will order my wife to sujud me.”
●He is saying that a wife must be obedient to her husband.
This is not to say that a husband should be arrogant or dictate to his wife.
Prophet Muhammad sewed his own clothes and took care of himself.
It is believed that by following these rules and caring for each other, a peaceful and tranquil home can be built.
The fact that it is difficult to continue a marriage relationship without respecting and respecting the other party can be said to any country or religion, regardless of Islam.
AL-Quran 4. Women’s Chapter 34
A man defends a woman. Allah made the one (man) strong because he gave it power to feed the other (woman). A chaste woman obeys and guards in Allah’s absence.