
今から1200年前の日本の文では、女性が男性に顔を見せることは結婚を許すことでもあったため、 扇で顔を隠していました。
着物 はか らだの凹凸が出ないように胸を押さえて幅広い帯を締めて、寸胴な体系に見せることが良いとされていました。


For non-Muslims, the “veiled female figure” is a symbol of Islamic culture.
There are various types of veils, including the “burqa,” “niqab,” “chadr,” “kaymah,” “al-amirah,” “hijab,” and “sheila,” with the burqa, which covers even the eyes, being particularly striking.
Recently, the news of the death of a woman who was not wearing a hijab and was detained by the police is still fresh in our memories, giving non-Muslims an image of Islam as “strict,” “scary,” and “disrespectful to women.
However, the origin of the veil is to hide a woman’s beautiful parts and “protect her from external desires,” not for derogatory reasons.
Does the veil prevent a woman from being fashionable? women wear veils in a variety of colors and styles, and their cultures are becoming more diverse.
In Indonesia and Malaysia, women wear hijabs of various colors and patterns to coordinate with their clothes.
In Saudi Arabia, people enjoy wearing makeup around the eyes, which is the only part of the body that can be seen externally, and nail art using fake nails on the fingertips.
In addition to the veil, the full-body covering that hides the body is also a distinctive feature of women.
How do they meet men in such a state, without knowing their faces or styles? Non-Muslims have many questions such as, “How will I meet men in such a situation?
When these questions arose, I realized that there are similarities between the Japanese culture of the past and the Muslim culture.
In Japanese literature of 1200 years ago, women used to cover their faces with a fan because showing their faces to men was a form of marriage permission.
Basically, when women and men conversed, the men spoke to the women from outside the room. There was an impulse stand on the border between the room and the hallway, so they could not see inside. In addition, they hid their faces with fans.
Therefore, it is thought that it was almost impossible to see their faces until they were married.
Kimonos were supposed to be worn with a broad obi sash that held up the chest to prevent the body from being uneven, making the wearer look like a woman with a slight build.
In those days, a woman was not considered beautiful if she could not behave in a noble manner, not in terms of her appearance.
The major difference was that black hair was considered beautiful and the only hair that was allowed to be shown to men, as opposed to Islam, which even hid the hair.
There are many paintings from that period that show women with impressive black hair in the back.
Despite the differences, there were similarities between the Japanese and Islamic cultures of the time.
Japan has changed over the years, and today’s culture is very different from that of that time.
However, Islam has also undergone changes over time, and I feel that the range of women’s fashion has expanded.