
髪が短い=男 なのではなく、髪を短くする女性自身の心の有様が問題だという事です。


What is masculinity and femininity?
In Japan, we often hear phrases such as “If you are a man, don’t cry” or “You are a woman, so be graceful.
A search in a Japanese dictionary reveals the following phrases.
Masculinity, femininity.
“An idea that a particular speaker or a particular group of people assume to be ~ in the characteristics (or traits, conditions, etc.) of a man (woman).”
This is a man!” This is a woman! It does not state definitively that “This is a man!
The differences between men and women in physical characteristics are obvious, but masculinity and femininity in behavior and mentality are merely socially constructed concepts, and there are differences depending on religion, country, etc.
The author is a woman and has short hair. A Muslim woman said this about my hair style
A Muslim woman said to me about my hair style, “Muslim women should not wear their hair short like men.”
In Japan, there is a saying, “Hair is a woman’s life,” and there was a time several hundred years ago when long black hair was considered beautiful.
These days, however, medium hair accounts for about 40%, long hair for about 35%, and short hair for about 25%. Along with the diversification of fashion, preferred hairstyles are also changing over the years.
Is hair length a symbol of femininity?
And are women in Islamic cultures forbidden to wear short hair?
It is recorded that Prophet Muhammad’s wives cut their hair after his death. Cutting hair is not forbidden per se, unless the act of cutting hair is for peace of mind or to imitate a man.
Dar al-Iftaa in Jordan states the following about women cutting their hair short
- there is nothing wrong with a wife cutting her hair short if her husband allows it.
- 2. if she cuts her hair as a sign of anxiety, grief, or mourning for someone’s death, it is forbidden.
3. 3. there is nothing wrong with cutting one’s hair for ease of styling.
4. it is forbidden for a woman to shave her hair.
5. it is forbidden for a woman to cut her hair to imitate a man.
Regarding women imitating men and men imitating women, the Prophet’s words are recorded as follows.
“Let God curse the man who imitates a woman, and let God curse the woman who imitates a man.”
In conclusion, it is not forbidden for women to wear their hair short.
The Muslim woman who told me “no short hair” explained to me that short hair is not allowed because it is a man’s hairstyle, but since I myself do not intend to imitate a man and I keep my hair short according to items 1 and 3 above, I decided that there is nothing wrong with short hair.
Short hair does not = men; it is the mindset of the woman who shortens her hair that is the problem.
In terms of masculinity and femininity, for example, in Japan, there is a concept that women like sweets and women like to talk. However, in Saudi Arabia, for example, you see men chatting while eating sweets in cafes. Are they “feminine”? It is not so. Alcohol is prohibited in Muslim countries, so instead of drinking alcohol, men drink coffee, eat sweets, or have business meetings at cafes.
In any country, cultures and values change. It is important to study the doctrine carefully and instruct yourself and others so that there are no misunderstandings.
In the first place, men and women are equal. Even in Islam.
Men and women are not separate. Men and women are by nature one another” (3:195).
However, equality does not mean that they are exactly the same. Men and women have different bodies and each gender has its own roles. Islam clearly defines the roles of men and women.
There is a saying in Japan that goes something like this.
Men need courage and determination, while women need a cheerful attitude to cheer up men.
The saying goes, “Men are pine trees, women are wisteria.” It means that men should be like pine trees, with their chests out and their bearing imposing, while women should be like wisteria flowers, with their heads down and their demeanor modest.
It means that a man must be strong to protect his family and a woman must have a gentle heart to support it with devotion.
Both Islam and Japan have similar fundamental ideas.
We must always learn to be truly manly and womanly.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)