1.Kitab Taurat(タウラ) : 預言者 Musa a.s(ムサ) に授けられた啓典。
2.Kitab Zabur(ジャブル) : 預言者 Dwud a.s(ダウ) に授けられた啓典。
3.Kitab Injil(インジル) : 預言者 Isa a.s(イサ) に授けられた啓典
4.Kitab Al Quran(クルア-ン) : 預言者 Muhammad s.a.w(ムハンマド) に授けられた啓 典。

Al Quran 第96章 凝血章(al-Alaq アルアラク)第1節~5節
この最初の啓示が下されたのはRamadhan月(第9月)17日。この日を「Nuzulul Quran」といいます。
◆Al Qurーaanul Karim 高貴なる読誦をする聖典
◆Al Furqon 正誤を判別する書

I. The last extant scripture
Allah bestowed the scriptures on the prophets of each era.
1. Kitab Taurat: Scripture given to the Prophet Musa a.s.
2. Kitab Zabur: Scripture given to the Prophet Dwud a.s.
3. Kitab Injil: Scripture given to the Prophet Isa a.s
4.Kitab Al Quran: A scripture given to the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
Taura Jable Inzil has already disappeared and we cannot see it, but the Qur’an is the last Scripture containing the contents of the previous Scriptures, so if you read the Qur’an, you will see all the previous Scriptures.
The Qur’an is the last Scripture. Since then, no scriptures have been awarded.
The first revelation of the Qur’an was given at the Hira Cave at the foot of Mt. Nur when the Prophet Muhammad was 40 years old, and the last revelation was given at Arafah when the Prophet Muhammad was 62 years old. The revelation was gradually given over the long years of 22 years, 2 months and 22 days.
The Qur’an remains in its original form today without any minor changes or omissions since the Prophet Muhammad received the revelation. Since the Prophet Muhammad was an Arab, Allah gave all revelations in Arabic. Therefore, the existing Qur’an is written in Arabic.
Ⅱ.Compassionate and compassionate in the name of Allah.
Al Quran Chapter 96 Blood Clot (al-Alaq Al-Alaq) Sections 1-5.
This first revelation was made on the 17th of the month of Ramadan (September).
This day is called.
[1. Read, in the name of your Lord who created the world.
2. The Lord created humans from blood clots.
3. Read, your Lord is more precious than everything
4.The Lord taught (writing / knowledge) with a brush.
5.And he is the one who was taught what is unknown to humans. ]
The first revelation given to the Prophet Muhammad first describes the acquisition of writing and language (knowledge), not worship or fasting.
This shows that the beginning of the revelation of the Prophet Muhammad will lead to the flowering of new civilizations and cultures with knowledge.
Ⅲ. Rules for getting the Qur’an
The Qur’an is sometimes referred to as:
◆ Al Qur-aanul Karim A noble reading scripture.
◆ Al Furqon A book to determine the correctness
The Qur’an is a holy book.
The contents are all the words of Allah.
Therefore, when you get the Qur’an, you have to be careful about the following.
- You have to cleanse your body.
- Do not on the floor.
- Do not stack other books. (Exception: overlapping the Qur’an)
- Don’t bring it to the toilet
- Do not say the Qur’an verse during excretion.
Ⅳ.TableTable emblem (Al-Ma’ida) Maida Revelation verse 120.
Today, we complete your religion for you and give Islam as your teaching.
The Qur’an is a holy book given by Allah.