

ザムザムの泉~Zamzam Fountain~


サウジアラビアのメッカに建つマスジドには、サファー (Aafā) とマルワ (Al-Marwah)という2つの小さな丘があります。ハッジとウムラーの儀式において、ムスリムはその間を7往復します。



「ザムザム Zamzam」という言葉は「水がふんだんに供給されるさま」を表現する音象徴語で、類語の「マー・ズマーズィム mā’ zumāzim」は「枯れることのない水場」を表現する言葉です。



A fountain in Mecca, the holy city of Islam in midwestern Saudi Arabia.

The Masjid built in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, has two small hills, the Safā (Aṣ-Ṣafā) and the Marwah (Al-Marwah). Muslims make seven round trips between them during the Hajj and Umrah rituals.

When the young Ismail was suffering from thirst, Hajar roamed around in search of water and made seven round trips alone in the desert between Safa and Marwah. When he did so, Allah sent the angel Jibril, who stepped on the earth with his heel and water began to flow, according to legend.

In honor of this legend, Muslims on pilgrimage make seven round trips between Safar and Marwah to relive the hardship and the mercy of God.

The word “zamzam” is a phonetic symbolism for “abundant supply of water,” and its cognate “mā’ zumāzim” describes “a never-dying watering hole.

For Muslims, it is “holy water” and is said to heal the sick or cure the ailing body if poured over the ailing parts.

Today, “water of zamzam” is a standard souvenir for those who have made the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

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