(アシュハドアッラーイラーハイッラッラー ワアシュハドアンナムハンマダンスールッラー)

2023年2月17日、Fujikawaguchiko Masjidにて新たな日本人Muslimが誕生しました。

Shahada (Confession of Faith)
“I testify. There is no God but Allah. That Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”
(Ash-had-an-la- ilaha illa-llah wa-ash-had-anna Mhammadan Rasuwlu-llah)
The Muslim confession of faith does not say “I believe” or “I swear” but “I testify”.
What is testimony?
To prove a fact with words.
To speak of a fact as a witness.
A statement that supports an actual event .
The Shahada is a declaration to someone other than oneself that it is an undeniable fact that “there is no god but Allah,” and that one knows this fact for oneself, and that one can personally attest to its truth.
The word “shahada” itself means “to eyewitness” in Arabic.
The one who makes the shahada (confession of faith) is an eyewitness, and because he or she has witnessed, he or she is a witness to that fact.
The witness must be a person of integrity because he or she is speaking the word of truth.
A person who makes a confession of faith is not allowed to defile his or her mouth with falsehood.
For this reason, lying is considered a mortal sin in Islam.
What is sincerity?
Being serious and sincere.
∙ To be consistent in what one says and what one does.
Both good deeds and bad deeds are always seen by Allah and cannot be faked, no matter how deceitful they may be.
The Shahada (confession of faith) is performed in front of two or more witnesses.
Both the person making the shahada and the witnesses who vouch for it must be sincere, truthful, and prove the truth with their actions.
On February 17, 2023, a new Japanese Muslim was born in Fujikawaguchiko Masjid.
May Allah (swt) bless him for his sincere actions from now on….
As witnesses to his shahada, we cannot help but wish him well.